Los Agentes Secretos Book Art Fair in Paris Los Agentes Secretos Guernica

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the spanish II form slay
Maria Yovita Liem
This book is non for children simply for those who are learning Spanish language (but yet, commonly people learn Spanish from the age xi-12 years old. hehe).

The story itself is like Dan Brown'due south The Da Vinci Code but reduced thoroughly and then it'll exist enjoyable for reading in form. I savor the new vocabularies and, of course, the setting, it's and then interesting. I know nothing nearly the setting, but this book is encouraging to explore further. This book gives many new names, events, places, etc to searc

This volume is not for children just for those who are learning Spanish language (merely still, commonly people learn Spanish from the historic period 11-12 years old. hehe).

The story itself is like Dan Brown'south The Da Vinci Code but reduced thoroughly so it'll be enjoyable for reading in grade. I bask the new vocabularies and, of class, the setting, it's so interesting. I know aught about the setting, only this book is encouraging to explore further. This book gives many new names, events, places, etc to search virtually. (Many of the info below I take from Wikipedia) This is not a review, only a bunch of new things I become from the book.

from Wikipedia, The Eiffel tower, with the German pavilion on left and the Soviet pavilion on the right.

The story took identify in 1937, in the heart of The Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition dedicated to Art and Technology in Modern Life), that was held from 25 May to 25 November 1937 in Paris. Apparently, the Spanish pavilion attracted many people in the exposition because information technology was held at the fourth dimension of Castilian Civil State of war (17 July 1936-ane Apr 1939, the Republicans versus The Nationalists/rebels led by General Francisco Franco).

General Francisco Franco


The Castilian pavilion in that exposition displayed Pablo Picasso's 'Guernica', the painting virtually the horrors of Spanish Ceremonious War. Information technology's cubist and I don't understand what the hell it is most. It was painted in Paris, beginning exhibited in Paris, placed in Museum of Mod Art in New York before finally now placed in Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid since 1992. Picasso'south purpose in painting it was to bring the earth'south attention to the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica past German language bombers, who were supporting the Nationalist forces of Full general Franco during the Spanish Ceremonious War. The famous line by Picasso: "Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."

Another new information that I found from this volume is most the Spear of Destiny, the Holy Spear or Spear of Longinus (so that's where the name 'Longinus' in Mod Family tv series came from. haha). The Holy Lance is the name given to the lance that pierced the side of Jesus every bit he hung on the cantankerous, co-ordinate to the Gospel of John.

Fresco by Fra Angelico, c.1440

The book said: "Since the Spear pierced Jesus Christ's side during his crucifixion, many idea it gave great power. According to legend, whoever had information technology would hold the destiny of the world. If the Spear were lost, death would follow." It's hilarious, but still interesting. Obviously, there are (copies of) Holy Lance in Rome, Vienna, Armenia, Antioch and Poland.


The other thing is well-nigh Sainte-Chapelle or Saint Chapel. At first hearing information technology, I thought it was Sistine Chapel, empty-headed me. Sainte-Chapelle is a imperial medieval Gothic chapel, located near the Palais de la Cité, on the Île de la Cité in the heart of Paris. Information technology was built by Rex Louis Ix of France (plain his mother was Spanish, Blanca de Castilla) to house his drove of Passion Relics, including Christ's Crown of Thorns - i of the nearly of import relics in medieval Christendom. He built the church in 1248 to show off the Spear of Destiny. He bought the Spear during a Cause. During the French Revolution (1789), information technology disappeared without a trace.

Les Deux Magots

Next, about Les Deux Magots (literally pregnant The Two Apes). It is a famous café in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés area of Paris, France. Information technology once had a reputation as the rendezvous of the literary and intellectual élite of the urban center. It is at present a popular tourist destination. Its historical reputation is derived from the patronage of Surrealist artists, intellectuals such as Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, and young writers, such equally Ernest Hemingway. Other patrons included Albert Camus, Pablo Picasso, James Joyce, Bertolt Brecht and the American writer Charles Sutherland. The café also features in a scene in the 2012 film Intouchables.

Parque Güell

Side by side, most Parque Güell or Parc Güell. It is a garden complex with architectural elements situated on the hill of El Carmel in the Gràcia district of Barcelona, Catalonia. It was designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and built in the years 1900 to 1914. It is one of the largest architectural works in south Europe and function of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Works of Antoni Gaudí". The park was originally part of a commercially unsuccessful housing site, the idea of Count Eusebi Güell, after whom the park was named. I fall in love with this park for the kickoff time when it appears in the moving-picture show L'auberge espagnole (2002). I love the mosaic work and the benches.

Los Cuatro Gatos

Next, another buffet/eating place, now located in Barcelona, called Los Cuatro Gatos or The 4 (Male) Cats. It is said as Pablo Picasso's favourite restaurant and he held his first exposition there. The walls are full of art expositions.

Las Ramblas

Adjacent, Las Ramblas, it is a street in central Barcelona, popular with tourists and locals alike. A tree-lined pedestrian mall, it stretches for 1.2 kilometers between Barri Gòtic and El Raval, connecting Plaça de Catalunya in the centre with the Christopher Columbus Monument at Port Vell.

Casa Batlló

Again from Antoni Gaudi, Casa Batlló, it is a renowned building located in the centre of Barcelona. The local proper noun for the edifice is Casa dels ossos (Business firm of Bones), as it has a visceral, skeletal organic quality. It was originally designed for a centre-form family and situated in a prosperous commune of Barcelona. Again, with the mosaic, how I love mosaic! Apparently, before reading this book, I long received a postcard from Barcelona with a motion-picture show of Casa Batlló at the front (image to a higher place). And the postcard is from a adult female named Cristina (and then much for the 2008 moving-picture show Vicky Cristina Barcelona. haha)

This volume encourages the readers to explore further about the things above, likewise near Hitler'due south search for the Spear of Destiny and for other occult objects, Barcelona's role in the Spanish Civil State of war, San Fermin celebration in Pamplona, importance of bull in Spanish culture and Nazi's bombing of Guernica, Spain, amid others.

Great for you who want to learn Castilian. :)

...more than
Dec 19, 2018 rated it it was astonishing
In Agentes y Secreto u el Mural de Picasso. Luis and Paula are trying to find the sword of destiny past finding clues in Picasso's landscape, but two men named Mario and Paula are as well trying to discover the sword and are following Luis and Paula which leads to trouble.

This book was very adept. The final few chapter made the book very difficult to put downwardly. There was also a lot of history in the book which I liked a lot. Overall, I definitely recommend this book!

January 24, 2021 rated it liked it
The language was nifty for my Spanish 1 students, but the catastrophe was a huge disappointment for us all. Nosotros read it every bit office of an optional weekly book club. Nosotros did get a practiced laugh out of the character named Mario, so we had quite a few student smiles equally we read about him and his numerous attempts to go what he wanted.
Ali Jensen
Agentes Secretos Y El Mural De Picasso was a very skillful volume, it was easy to read and very engaging, It is my favorite spanish book so far. There was romance, activeness, and a lot of drama. I would definitely recommend this book to those who are commencement to larn spanish and beloved reading!
This volume was redicicoisly ridiculous. Information technology had a horrific catastrophe which should non be allowed in children's books. The text had many plot holes in which I vomited. I tin't do it anymore. I tin can't live life knowing I read this book. I hate READING this BOOK!!!
Oct 15, 2017 rated it really liked information technology
Volition be great for my Castilian 1 class. A lot of repetition will help with memory. Love how historical factors are included in the book to let for an extension project.
Amanda Macias
Interesting story and shared a little fleck of Spain'south history. Interesting story and shared a lilliputian bit of Spain's history. ...more
Apr 02, 2018 rated it liked it
Lots of action and short sentences but it didn't seem to flow quite as smoothly as La Vampirata. Virtually 2s should be able to handle this early in the year. Lots of action and short sentences just information technology didn't seem to flow quite as smoothly every bit La Vampirata. Most 2s should exist able to handle this early on in the yr. ...more
Mar 05, 2020 rated information technology really liked information technology
I recommend Agentes Secretos y El Mural de Picasso because there was a very interesting plot. Information technology hooks you in, and information technology is very easy to understand.
Feb 23, 2017 rated information technology liked it
Useful for what information technology is- equally a learning tool for those learning Spanish. Definitely more interesting than many other short stories for the aforementioned purpose. The terminate does leave yous with some unanswered questions!
Dec 17, 2016 rated it liked information technology
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click hither. My SP 3 students read this. The volume has potential simply I wish information technology had more to it.
The positive: it is a confidence builder. I recall that one of my students had been absent and was concerned about starting this novel. Another student said, "If I tin can read it, you tin can. It's not bad." My favorite thing about using "agentes" was that the plot takes the main characters to various locations and has historical references. I played upwards on this and fabricated presentations with lots of added info and photos. My
My SP iii students read this. The book has potential simply I wish information technology had more to it.
The positive: information technology is a confidence builder. I remember that one of my students had been absent and was concerned about starting this novel. Another student said, "If I can read it, you can. It's not bad." My favorite thing about using "agentes" was that the plot takes the main characters to various locations and has historical references. I played up on this and made presentations with lots of added info and photos. My students enjoyed this aspect.

The negative: The story is merely non edgy enough and the principal character's super power of having a adept imagination gets a bit old. It's just plain corny sometimes. In that location is a slight romantic edge but this never develops. I think that's a missed opportunity to make the book more interesting. I wish I could take the skeleton of the story and rewrite it to add more depth. My 10th & 11th graders thought the book was strange. I'm not sure I will use it over again.

we enjoyed using information technology as a fashion to learn and to practice past means of repetitive text, but I truly wish information technology was more intriguing. I promise to find some books at my students' level that are page turners! Anyone know of any!?

May 29, 2019 rated it really liked it
I read this with my Castilian 1 students. The storytelling got a piffling wacky at parts, but it was absolutely FILLED with cultural and historical references. Honestly, that was probably the best part - being able to use the book to explore those things. The instructor'south guide was filled with tons of ideas and pictures (although not well formatted for classroom presentation - transferring them to a slide bear witness took FOREVER). My merely (other) complaint with the teacher'southward manual was that at that place was no trad I read this with my Spanish 1 students. The storytelling got a footling wacky at parts, but it was absolutely FILLED with cultural and historical references. Honestly, that was probably the best part - being able to utilise the book to explore those things. The teacher'due south guide was filled with tons of ideas and pictures (although not well formatted for classroom presentation - transferring them to a slide bear witness took FOREVER). My only (other) complaint with the teacher'south manual was that there was no traditional end-of-the-volume exam.

I think my students enjoyed it more than than the Capibara con botas book, which they said felt besides juvenile. The reading level was spot on for a Spanish i class. I definitely recommend.

Taylor Lucas
Apr 22, 2016 rated it did non like it
Read in Spanish course. Information technology was super cheesy. The master character kept escaping from the agents. The story itself needed much more detail. The agents didn't have guns which I thought was weird. One of the agents had a crush on the main grapheme, just nothing happened. It could accept been much ameliorate. I was so boring information technology took me ii months to read. Read in Spanish course. It was super cheesy. The main character kept escaping from the agents. The story itself needed much more detail. The agents didn't accept guns which I thought was weird. One of the agents had a crush on the chief character, only cipher happened. It could take been much better. I was so boring it took me 2 months to read. ...more
Summertime Readaholic
The catastrophe is a let down.

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